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Spotlight on St Paul’s College design

St Paul’s College, Balwyn, has received a commendation for its state-of-the-art design, helping to transform the lives of students with complex disabilities.


Celebrating music education

St John’s Regional College, Dandenong, is celebrating music teacher Michael Perryman who has been anonymously entered into the 2020 Telstra ARIA Music Teacher of the Year Award.


Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility

St Monica’s College, Epping, is strongly committed to sustainability with its Envirofriends group driving recycling projects within the college, as well as delivering sustainability messages to the wider community.


Learning brings joy at St Stephen’s

St Stephen’s School, Reservoir East, has been highlighted by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) in a video that showcases the school’s approach to STEM education.


Family Week continues

This year’s CatholicCare Family Week theme is ‘Building Connections in the Spirit of Hope’.


Families at Our Lady’s say thank you

Staff at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour School, Surrey Hills, were delighted yesterday to receive a video put together by the parents and families thanking the school staff for their support during remote learning.


Welcome back

Students in Years 3 to 10 have returned to their classrooms today.


ResourceSmart winners

The winners of the ResourceSmart Schools Awards for 2020 have been announced.


Christian Meditation – a journey of faith

Since 2017, St Clare’s Catholic School, Truganina South, has been implementing and embedding Christian Meditation as a whole-school practice.


FIRE Carriers keep reconciliation alight

Students at St John’s School, Frankston East, and St Mary’s School, Greensborough, have made their communities proud through their efforts to strengthen the spirit of reconciliation this week.


The (virtual) Long Walk

Aquinas College, Ringwood, has continued its tradition of marking National Reconciliation Week with a Long Walk around the neighbourhood, although in 2020 it looks a little different.


Sharing their voice

Student leaders from the western region’s Catholic secondary schools have shared messages of hope and courage during challenging times.


Welcome back, juniors!

Making a video to welcome the children back to school proved to be beneficial for St Thomas More’s School, Hadfield, and St James’ School, Brighton.


Back to school

Students and teachers in Melbourne’s Catholic schools were reunited as the first phase of the return to classroom teaching began this morning.


One more sleep

After weeks of remote learning, students will begin returning to their classrooms from tomorrow.


Aquinas College pen-pals

In this National Volunteer Week, students from Aquinas College, Ringwood, have given a beautiful and timely reminder that we can always help others.


St Macartan’s Family Week and Laudato Si’ challenge

St Macartan’s School, Mornington, is reflecting on Family Week and Laudato Si’ Week, which marks the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter On Care for Our Common Home.


ResourceSmart Schools Awards 2020

The finalists for the ResourceSmart Schools Awards for 2020 have been announced.


St Finbar’s thank you to health care workers

Year 6 social justice leaders from St Finbar’s School, Brighton East, wanted to say a special thank you to the medical professionals who have been working so hard to keep us safe.


Innovation and collaboration at Hastings and Crib Point

Gab Espenschied, principal at St Mary’s School, Hastings, and acting principal at St Joseph’s School, Crib Point, has shared the schools’ remote learning websites.


Student art brings joy to the Austin

Students from Our Lady of Perpetual Succour School, Surrey Hills, brought joy to the COVID-19 ward at the Austin Hospital.